Frequently Asked Question

When you order from our website, we ensure that the order gets processed within 24 hours and gets delivered within 5-10 days.
Delivery cost is depends on area. As a standard process inside Dhaka 1000tk. Outside Dhaka 1200tk. For spray item (till one kg) inside Dhaka 60tk. Outside Dhaka 140tk.
You can login with your credentials to our site and track the order status as well as the order details.If you have any issues or queries please get in touch with our phone number 01707841111
Yes, you will be asked to sign a delivery challan, in which you confirm that the product(s) was delivered in the correct condition (without obvious defects or damage).
? We kindly ask you to call our phone number (01707841111) to confirm your new shipping address before sending out you product from our factory .
We currently provide assembly service free of cost around Dhaka. For further details, please contact our number 01707841111
No cancellations are allowed on Furniture categories once the order is placed. In case of any exception, at sole discretion of Tijara BD, two-way shipping charges will be borne by the customer. In case of cancellations, refund will be made for Part Payment orders that contain products from Furniture or spray categories; the delivery charge will be forfeited as cancellation charges rest of amount will be refunded after 7 working days.
Returns for Furniture category will be accepted only for Damaged/ Defective products. You will need to inform us of any damage/ defects within 24 hours of delivery of the product, in order to receive the replacement.
Returns for Furniture category will be accepted only for Damaged/ Defective products. You will need to inform us of any damages/ defects within 24 hours of delivery of the product, in order to receive the replacement.
If you received your product with missing parts, defects or accessories, immediately notify us over phone 01707841111. A replacement will be sent over to you as soon as possible. You will need to inform us of any missing parts/ defects within 24 hours of delivery of the product, in order to receive the replacement.
All of Tijara BD products have a warranty period. If after using such a product, you identify any flaw or manufacturing defect, please get in touch with us. We will be happy to facilitate a resolution.
We will process your refund within 7 business days of receiving the returned product in its original packaging. The refunds period includes time taken to complete the refunds process by TIJARA BD, but excludes any delays on part of banks/ card issuers, or shipment time in case of cheque refunds.
Products are typically guaranteed with a warranty on manufacturing defect only. Please keep receipt of your purchase for warranty claims.